DOT inspections blitz is happening this week. 72 hours of nationwide roadside inspections for truckers and trucks, starting June 4th until June 6th, 2019.
What does it means?
CVSA inspectors will mainly perform the North American Standard Level I Inspection, Which, basically, check driver’s operating requirements and truck’s mechanical conditions. Last year, over 2500 out-of service orders were given nationwide to trucks and drivers for various violations, starting from malfunctioned gear to overtime driving. This year focus is on steering and suspensions systems along with driver’s operating requirements.
If you want to read more about the procedure, click here
How it effecting the car shipping service?
In the next 72 hours, almost every commercial vehicle is getting pulled off to a road check. Even if the inspection is successful and there are no violations, it is time consuming. An average of 17 trucks getting pulled per minute (USA and Canada), Think for a second, how many trucks you see on the way to work? how many minutes in 72 hours?
You probably already guessed… DELAYS are expected for all pick ups and deliveries.
If your car is already in route, be advised that drivers can’t tell where they will get pulled over and for how long. it might take an hour and it might be 6 hours or more. If a truck or a driver were given an out-of service order, that means they can’t be on the road until they fix the issue on the truck or fix the issue about them. Some drivers got 11 hours out-of service orders for driving over time.
As getting your car delivered in a timely manner is one of our priorities, during these days, we understand that it is not always controlled by the carriers. We keep a close eye on the carriers so we can inform customers if anything happens.
Feel free to call us directly to discuss any car shipping needs you may have at 1-800-516-3440